About Our Candles

Natural Magick Co-op candles are ritually crafted of beeswax sheets, for a renewable-resource nature-friendly burn. They are infused with 100% natural essential oils and absolutes appropriate to the intention.

All candles are made on the correct day of the week for Planetary influences and phase of the Moon for Lunar powers. Feel free to burn just one and save the rest, or burn one each night for a three day spell, or burn all of them all at once or one after another for a prolonged working, or share with friends according to your Will.

These magick candles come three to a package, are four inches tall, and fit most standard taper holders for 3/4 - 7/8 diameter taper or household candles. But they do tend to drip (unless you fridge or freeze them, which I don't usually have the time for) so I like to burn them and all my candles on the dishes I use for candle magick, little sushi dishes work great. I also have a large black granite tile, and a beveled mirror for candle magick, where I can let them drip and puddle as they will.

For years I had casted about how to bring candles to the lines of Natural Magick Shop, using my magick oils. I wanted it to be natural, hand made, and ecologically sound. No paraffin wax, which is a non-renewable petroleum product. As I investigated ALL soy was is Genetically Modified! All of the non-GMO soy goes to organic and natural food products, none left over for non human consumption, much less candle wax. (And, ewwg, most GMO soy going to feed beef.) Palm wax was another contender. A few (and by a few I mean a sum of two suppliers I could find out of a global industry) operations are doing sustainable production of palm oil and palm wax, but the huge lot of palm product is a rainforest devastation industry.

My investigations and process of elimination led me back to beeswax as the industry to support. The beeswax sheets are thrifty of the resource, since they incorporate a lot of air into the candle. They come in a great variety of color, which makes adding color to the magick easy. As I roll 'em up, each one gets dosed with a mil of NMS essential oil blend, and for sure, finished off with glitter which totally magnifies the magick! Oh, and 'cause they don't weigh out so much, no extra shipping charges, even for international customers.

Raven Greywolf is my Muse and inspiration for this product line. She used to make candles similar to these, or as she prefers to spell it, candels, for my old brick-and-mortar store. Now she is relocated to the more benevolent climes of the Pacific Northwest, where she continues to serve as an outstanding Tarot psychic, counselor and consultant.

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