Virgo Moon Cycle - Waxing Quarter Moon in Sagittarius
Waxing Quarter Moon in Sagittarius - Wednesday September 11th
- Square between Virgo Sun and Sagittarius Moon
- Sagittarius Moon opposed Jupiter in Gemini and square Saturn rx in Pisces
The waxing moon in astrology is a time of growth, which really kicks off at the first quarter square as the first hard aspect of the cycle. We’ve made it past the almost imperceptible alignment of the inconjunct, maybe felt the gentle pull of the sextile, but now we have our first tense aspect. Squares often feel frustrating and challenging. At a fundamental level the square expresses an incongruity between the elements, while they are working through the same modality.
This often manifests as a tug of war, with both planets trying to take the lead towards a shared goal but having very different ideas of how to get it done. It is a dynamic energy that requires action, giving a kickstart to what was seeded on the new moon. With both the Sun and Moon in mutable signs they are working towards change. The Sun in Virgo believes in making careful and precise plans, working through daily dedication on the physical level. There has been a slow progression from the new moon as we focus on the groundwork necessary, but now we are starting to see the fruits of our efforts.
The Moon in Sagittarius on the other hand is focused on passion and courage with the rulership of Jupiter bringing boldness and enthusiasm. This is a sign known for their passionate exploration of all that life has to offer, of travel and higher learning, of expanding our horizons and view of the world in a way that fundamentally reshapes our identity. Jupiter is also manifesting directly into this lunation with an opposition from Gemini, putting the Moon and Jupiter in a T-square with the Sun, all three planets pulling from mutable signs. Pisces is even brought into the mix with a loose initiating Saturn square.
Since the Sun made its opposition with Saturn this past weekend we’ve already had a taste of that energy. Saturn requires discipline and the following of natural laws, with its influence being felt in the unreachable depths of the subconscious. Saturn feels out of place here, preferring to work through a certain amount of tangibility. This allows a level of harmonization with the Sun in Virgo but puts it out of sorts with the Sagittarian Moon and Jupiter in Gemini. While the Moon is operating under the idealism and magnetism of Sagittarius, Jupiter works on expanding the individual mind through Gemini. Spurring conversation within our community.
With all four mutable signs activated it can be hard to tell which elements influence will win out. The Moon is strengthened by the opposition of Jupiter as the ruling planet to its sign, but its influence tends to be fickle and changing, only triggering placements briefly. The Sun and Saturn are operating from a firmer foundation in the earth and water signs, rooting their influence in a more tangible way. One thing we do know for sure is that with all four mutable signs activated change is coming one way or another. We are called to release old patterns and open ourselves to new opportunities and ideas. This is bringing growth to something seeded on the new moon and headed towards full realization on the full moon, which will be our first window into the upcoming eclipse series in Pisces.
Wednesday September 11th - Other Aspects
- Nodes station retrograde
- Vesta in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn
- Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer
The waxing quarter moon isn’t the only astrological energy we have to contend with today, though it will feel like the most immediate. There's also the toggling of the nodes as they shift back to retrograde, directing destiny internally. Whether planting seeds or reaping them, nodal aspects play the long game. This can be as simple as a conversation or choosing to turn down a different road, but something shifts.
Vesta is the asteroid of sacred duty and the fire that we tend to for the good of the community. The self-sacrificing aspect of the asteroid might feel right at home in Virgo, but that doesn’t mean it is the Best pathway for this energy to flow. The earth trine with Ceres in Capricorn brings structure and discipline to relationships with caregivers and mother figures. Part of protecting the crop is pulling the weeds and culling what doesn’t have a true chance to survive and thrive. Remember that in order to take care of others, we also have to take care of ourselves.
Mercury in Virgo is finally stepping out of its shadow and breaking free of the intensive review of its recent retrograde. The last time Mercury danced through this degree was August 5th, and a lot has come to light since them. Now, we are ready to move forward with new information and ideas. The activation of Mars is slightly softened by the sextile, but it is calling us towards comfort, family, and home.
For a detailed analysis of the astrology Thursday September 12 through Monday September 16th please subscribe to our Moon Oracle newsletter here: https://www.naturalmagickcoop.com/products/moon-oracle-transit-astrology-reading
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