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Cassandra oil

Cassandra oil

Regular price $29.00
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Cassandra is a complex and tragic person, a priestess and prophet of Apollo, who may have been a historical figure of Trojan War era ancient Troy. According to legend, she either seduced or was seduced by Apollo, with the gift of prophesy being part of the deal of their affair. Then she either spurned Apollo or in some other way did not live up to his expectations, and was cursed with the caveat that her prophesies, however true, would not be believed.

Her unhappy life after that met many turns; she prophesied the Trojan War that would be precipitated if Paris went to Sparta and brought back Helen as his wife. (Paris did not heed her warning, resulting in the ultimate fall of Troy.) As one reads the history/legends, none of her prophesies seem more than common sense, and the rejections of her wisdom lead to epic, mythological (historical?) tragedies brought about by heedless arrogance of the men who pursue their own agenda with no regard for consequences.

The Muse of this fragrance dedicated to Cassandra is our dear friend Sissy of Eon Artwork, with whom we’ve bemoaned how we, like she, have been doomed to forsee the awful, often predictable future which would be avoidable IF ONLY THEY WOULD LISTEN! Ultimately, though, we are proud Cassandras, the ones who are strong enough to face and speak the truth. We regard Cassandra as a deified ancestor or even a Goddess in her own right. Her fragrance is very complicated, of numerous ingredients native to the Greek archipelago, and unsettling as it is beautiful.

Natural Magick deity oils are made with reverence and research to be pleasing devotional blends for the gods and goddesses they are named for. I research legend and lore, and try to use oils of plants that grew in the lands where the deity originated or rules. The Natural Magick process of using planetary and elemental influences, correspondence, and high quality ingredients is especially appropriate for honoring the gods and bringing their qualities into our lives.

Anoint yourself to attune to these deities, or pour into offering bowls or aromatherapy lamps, or anoint statues or fetish objects. I love to give them to priests or priestesses who run open circles or invoke our patron gods and goddesses.

These oils are in beautiful round 1/2 ounce bottles, blended in 100% fractionated coconut oil, so with any care they should last a very long time. They are priced according to the ingredients requested by the gods.

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1/2 oz bottle

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