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Clary Sage essential oil

Clary Sage essential oil

Regular price $16.00
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Clary Sage is neglected in some of my favorite magical texts. This is unfortunate because it has ancient Grecco-Roman uses. Primarily, it is used for clear vision. This is because of its traditional use, which says that you can use a seed of Clary Sage to remove anything irritating stuck in your eye. According to this old remedy, if you soak a seed, it develops a slimy mucilaginous coating. Then it is placed in the eye, where the mucilage attracts and sticks to whatever mote is causing discomfort. The seed and all can then be easily wiped out of the eye. The mucilage itself is probably soothing to the injury.
" Clary Sage is neglected in some of my favorite magical texts. This is unfortunate because it has ancient Grecco-Roman uses. Primarily, it is used for clear vision. This is because of its traditional use, which says that you can use a seed of Clary Sage to remove anything irritating stuck in your eye. According to this old remedy, if you soak a seed, it develops a slimy mucilaginous coating. Then it is placed in the eye, where the mucilage attracts and sticks to whatever mote is causing discomfort. The seed and all can then be easily wiped out of the eye. The mucilage itself is probably soothing to the injury.

The below correspondences are vis Cunningham, Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs in plain text, C.L. Zalewski, Herbs in Magic and Alchemy in brackets, or my own interpretations in parenthesis.



Planet: Moon

Zodiac: (Libra, Gemini)
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