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Elemental oils set of Four

Elemental oils set of Four

Regular price $26.00
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One each of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth oils in 1/4 ounce bottles, for those traditions which use only the four Cardinal elements. The Cardinal Element oils each contain four ingredients, corresponding to the Four Directions.

The Air element is the principle of wind, speech, thought, ideas, and joy, and Air oil could be used to magickally evoke any of these powers.

Air Element blows through the Crescent Moon, and since the New Moon rises at dawn, Air oil is formulated in the morning during the New Moon. Air is expressed in both the planets Jupiter and Mercury, but I use the expansive Jovian influence, therefore Air oil is made on Thursdays. Air Element is corresponded to Yellow or Clear/White, easy to achieve in the Air oil with just my pale yellow base oils of Almond/Jojoba and the light, colorless essential oils affined to Air. When I make Air oil I face the East and the rising Sun.

The Fire element is the principle of heat, passion, activity, work, and desire, and Fire oil could be used to magickally evoke any of these powers.

Fire Element charges the Second Quarter of the Moon, since the waxing half Moon is seen rising at noon. Fire oil is therefore concocted at midday. Fire Element burns with the nature of Sun and Mars and I make Fire oil is made on Sunday. Fire Element is colored Orange and Red, and Dragon's Blood resin gives both my Fire oil and Fire incense a burning red/orange color. When I make Fire oil I face the South and the midday Sun.

The Water element is the principle of emotions, psychism, compassion, healing, and dreams, and Water oil could be used to magickally evoke any of these powers.

Water Element flows down from the Full Moon, and since the Full Moon rises at sunset, Water oil is potioned at the end of the day. Water Element reflects the nature of Moon and Venus. I make Water oil is made on Monday. Water Element is naturally associated with the color Blue and my Water oil is given blue by true Blue Chamomile essential oil. When I make Water oil I face the West and the setting Sun.

The Earth element is the principle of physicality, wealth, growth, mysteries, and secrets, and Earth oil could be used to magickally evoke any of these powers.

Earth Element weighs in on the Third quarter, which rises at midnight. Earth incense and oil is compounded around midnight. Earth Element resides most in the nature of Saturn. Earth oil is made on Saturday. Earth partakes of the colors Brown, Black, and Green. Earth oil is deeply brown/black with Mushroom essential oil. When I make Earth oil I face the North and the obscured Sun.

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How to Use

These magick oils are also called ritual oils, anointing oils or condition oils. They can be used to anoint a person, candle, mojo bag, lucky coins, jewelry, amulets, statues, prayer or spell scrolls, or anything that has a connection with the purpose of the oil or the "condition" it is made to address. Use them according to your inspiration, imagination, the instructions in a book, your Spirit Guide, teacher or Angel's recommendations, or how your Grandma taught you.
