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Litha oil

Litha oil

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The peak of the Sun's power is June 21st, the Summer Solstice, referred to as Litha or Midsummer’s Day by Pagans, and the Feast of Saint John by Christians. Especially in the more northern latitudes, this time of year is easily noted for the long day length, a blessing to be celebrated since ancient times. Litha oil by Natural Magick Shop is full of fiery Sun energy to bless ritual participants or add Midsummer energy to ritual candles.
" The peak of the Sun's power is June 21st, the Summer Solstice, referred to as Litha or Midsummer’s Day by Pagans, and the Feast of Saint John by Christians. Especially in the more northern latitudes, this time of year is easily noted for the long day length, a blessing to be celebrated since ancient times. Litha oil by Natural Magick Shop is full of fiery Sun energy to bless ritual participants or add Midsummer energy to ritual candles.

Much of what is practiced by modern neo Pagans for our Litha celebrations is inferred and collected in bits and pieces from many different sources. For example, St. Eligius in the 7th century warned Flander’s newly Christianized citizens against solesticia, rites of “leaping and diabolical chanting. That sounds like Pagan fun to me!

Wicca and related neo Pagan traditions emphasize the peak power of Sun and the element of fire in this holiday. Herbs, especially herbs known for their magickal protection properties, are at their most potent if gathered on Midsummers’ Eve or Midsummer’s Day. This makes sense since herbs are naturally at their most productive during this season. I’ve read in different places that nine herbs should be gathered to throw onto the Midsummer’s fire, depending on the source: rosemary, thyme, marjoram, hyssop, sage, St. John's wort, violets, vervain, carnations, mugwort, mistletoe, and fennel. In particular, I have heard that mistletoe would have been gathered by the Druids for protection charms. All sorts of herbal arts and crafts can be incorporated for your Litha spellworking. My big project for this time of year is to make the Dragon’s Blood oil to ensure that it is as fiery as it possibly can be.

Like the herbs, trees are in their finest form and most rampant growth by Midsummer’s. This is the Green Man’s wildest and most fertile time. Likewise, the Oak King reaches the zenith of his reign on this day, only to be bested on the next by the Holly King, who will then rule the rest of the year as days grow shorter. With this cycle in mind, it would make sense to go out and harvest Oak wood, picking out one nice log to keep for your Yule fire. (The rest could be your magickal barbeque wood!) If you saved your old Christmas tree, you could also use it to start your Midsummer’s bonfire to create a continuous cycle. The ashes of the Midsummer’s bonfire had uses in many protection charms, and livestock would be forced to walk through the ashes or smoke to protect them from disease.

Bonfires were also an ancient observance of this longest day/shortest night. The fires below reflected the fires above. Naturally, whenever fires are a part of a Pagan celebration there is likely to be the attendant dancing, drinking, music making, and telling of tall tales.

Speaking of tall tales, my favorite Midsummer’s stories is Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I always rent this one for viewing as a part of my very neo Pagan ritual. Try to find the old black and white one where child star Mickey Rooney plays Puck.

Shakespeare was definitely reflecting popular beliefs that the Faeries also celebrated this holiday in a major way, and especially it was time for the trooping fae of the Seelie court to make wild rides through the sky. Drink some mead around the bonfire and look up to see if you can catch the parade.

If this is not enough to choose from for your Midsummer observances, here is an entirely new one, originating in Japan and South Korea. It is called Candle Night, and on June 24th, many municipal lights will be turned off, and candlelight performances, dinners, story tellings, etc. will proceed. It is a meditation on world peace and energy consumption, and I think extremely appropriate for the fire/energy focus of the Litha holiday.

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How to Use

These magick oils are also called ritual oils, anointing oils or condition oils. They can be used to anoint a person, candle, mojo bag, lucky coins, jewelry, amulets, statues, prayer or spell scrolls, or anything that has a connection with the purpose of the oil or the "condition" it is made to address. Use them according to your inspiration, imagination, the instructions in a book, your Spirit Guide, teacher or Angel's recommendations, or how your Grandma taught you.


1/2 oz.