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Planetary oils Set of Seven

Planetary oils Set of Seven

Regular price $39.00
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This package contains one each of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Moon oils in 1/8 ounce bottles. All are ritually prepared in the hour of the day and on the day of the week and with the number of ingredients corresponding to the Planets. Get all the Planetary info articles, a set of Kamea for each of the Planets, and a Planetary hours schedule with the oils and extras package.

For a complete introduction to Planetary Magick, see my article, Planetary Magick:
Ancient Magick of Time and the Music of the Spheres

Saturn oil is made on Saturdays in the hour of Saturn in the evening. Saturn's number is three, and so Saturn is made of only three essential oils corresponding to the elder planet. Focus mineral: Black Obsidian.

Saturn is the Elder god because it is the slowest of the seven Planets, taking nearly twenty nine years to complete its circuit from the perspective of Earth. Saturn therefore rules matters of time (Chronos is his Greek name), destiny, institutions, buildings, the elderly, funerals, will, architecture, death, and banishment. You can use Saturn oil to work magick of these sorts, and to attune to the Sephiroth Binah of the Tree of Life.

Jupiter oil is made on Thursdays in the hour of Jupiter in the daytime. Jupiter's number is four, and so Jupiter is made of only four essential oils corresponding to the ruler planet. Focus mineral: Lapis Lazuli.

Jupiter is the Ruler or Emperor god because it is the second slowest of the seven Planets, the junior of elder god Saturn. Jupiter takes about twleve years to complete its circuit from the perspective of Earth. Jupiter is also known as Zeus in the Greek mythologies. Jupiter therefore rules matters of wealth, monetary matters, legal matters, honors, luck, materialism and expansion. You can use Jupiter oil to work magick of these sorts, and to attune to the Sephiroth Chesed of the Tree of Life.

Mars oil is made on Tuesdays in the hour of Mars in the daytime. Mars' number is five, and so Mars oil is made of five essential oils corresponding to the warrior planet. Focus mineral: Garnet.>

Mars is the Warrior god because it is quicker than the emperor planet Jupiter and the elder god Saturn. Mars takes 687 days to complete its circuit from the perspective of Earth. Mars is also known as Ares in the Greek mythologies. Mars therefore rules matters of war, conflict, borders, boundaries, surgery, hunting, lust, passion, strength, courage, sports, competitions, and debate. You can use Jupiter oil to work magick of these sorts, and to attune to the Sephiroth Geburah of the Tree of Life.

Sun oil is made on Sundays in the hour of Sun in the daytime. Sun's number is six, and so Sun oil is made of six essential oils corresponding to the child king planet. Focus mineral: Citrine.

Sun is both the Solar King and the Eternal Child-King. Sun takes one year to complete its circuit from the perspective of Earth. Sun is also known as Helios in the Greek mythologies. Sun therefore rules matters of leadership, government, employment, protection, purification, success, pride, healing, divinity, wise counsel, prophesy, and power. You can use Sun oil to work magick of these sorts, and to attune to the Sephiroth Tiphareth of the Tree of Life.

Venus oil is made on Fridays in the hour of Venus in the daytime. Venus' number is seven, and so
Venus oil is made of seven essential oils corresponding to the love planet. Focus mineral: Peridot.

Venus is both Goddess of love and beauty. Venus takes 243 days to complete its circuit from the perspective of Earth. Venus is also known as Aphrodite in the Greek mythologies. Venus therefore rules matters of love, pleasure, beauty, vanity, the arts, music, perfumery, partnerships, friendships, creativity, and conversation. You can use Venus oil to work magick of these sorts, and to attune to the Sephiroth Netzach of the Tree of Life.

Mercury oil is made on Wednesdays in the hour of Mercury in the daytime. Mercury's number is eight, and so Mercury oil is made of eight essential oils corresponding to the messenger planet. Focus mineral: Fluorite.

Mercury is the messenger God for all the Gods. Mercury's quick circuit of fifty nine days from Earth's perspective and its nimble reversals (retrogrades) make it seem to be carrying messages amongst the Planets. Mercury is also known as Hermes in the Greek mythologies. Mercury therefore rules matters of communication, negotiation, divination, prediction, magick, illusion, trickery, learning, study, teaching, inventions, medicine, self improvement, and celibacy. You can use Mercury oil to work magick of these sorts, and to attune to the Sephiroth Hod of the Tree of Life.

Moon oil is made on Mondays in the hour of Moon in the nighttime. Moon's number is nine, and so Moon oil is made of nine essential oils corresponding to the planet of dreams. Focus mineral: Moonstone.

Moon is the Goddess of the tides. Moon orbits the Earth in twenty nine days and its periodicity corresponds to the fertility cycles of human women. Moon is also known as Luna in the Greek mythologies. Moon therefore rules matters of dreams, divination, psychism, the sea, travel, cleansing, agriculture, the home, emotions, and imagination. You can use Moon oil to work magick of these sorts, and to attune to the Sephiroth Yesod of the Tree of Life.

Order with the Info Sheets you'll also get: A copy of my Planetary Magick article, a set of the Kamea of each of the planets (which is great to put on appropriately colored seven day candles), a planetary hours of the day and night guide, my Powers of the Planets guide and my Names of the Planets Through the Ages handout, which makes a very good chant for Planetary devotions.

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How to Use

These magick oils are also called ritual oils, anointing oils or condition oils. They can be used to anoint a person, candle, mojo bag, lucky coins, jewelry, amulets, statues, prayer or spell scrolls, or anything that has a connection with the purpose of the oil or the "condition" it is made to address. Use them according to your inspiration, imagination, the instructions in a book, your Spirit Guide, teacher or Angel's recommendations, or how your Grandma taught you.


1/2 oz.